Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Uh... Not quite.

Lucy is a sponge. Lucy likes to repeat everything she sees and hears. Lucy doesn't always get it quite right.
For instance, Lucy has heard folks talking about allergies lately. In turn, we have heard (over and over again) that her little toy frog has allergies. Actually the conversation was something more like "Oh no! Frog doesn't have allergies. He can't find his allergies anywhere. That makes him sad. He wants his allergies."
Lucy, allergies make you sick. We don't want allergies.
"Yes we do. Frogs allergies are different. He really wants allergies."

She also likes to walk around with no shirt on these days and hates when I make her wear a sweater or jack. To get me to let her take off her shirt she'll say, "I'm really cold now, I think I need to take off my shirt." When I tell her that doesn't make sense she tries to turn it around on me. " Yes, I like to be cold. It's ok if I don't wear my shirt, I won't get too hot that way."
I know it will make your head explode if you try to reason with this kind of thinking. This is why Lucy spends nearly every day until noon in nothing but her pajama pants.

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