Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Can I get a "Da Da"?

Da da da da da da da. That is what I hear all day long now. I know she doesn't know what she is saying, but it would still be gratifying if the first sounds out of Harper's mouth, other than the standard "hiiii" that she has been doing for months, was mamamamama. We're working on it. Lucy is always trying to get her to say "Lulululululu", but that is a tricky one since Lucy's comes out as "Wuwuwuwuwu" as is. Harper is pretty funny about it though. You see her jaw going up and down and up and down, like an old man flapping his gums and then out comes the sounds, moments later, dadadadadada.
She does like the response she gets from Ian when she makes the sound at dinner. She may not know what she is saying, but she knows that she gets a reaction. And so it begins. A smile, a flash of the dimples, a simple Dada and he is putty.

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