Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Harper 5 months

Sitting in boppy
holding foot and sucking thumb while sleeping
Curly after bath
straight after brushing

Harper is a super smiley 5 month old. She rolled over from her belly to her back today so it is just a matter of time that she puts the rolling all together and rolls all over the place to get from here to there. Right now she can maneuver around her blanket scooting and rolling and can get to things that are a foot off the blanket or so. She is sitting pretty well by herself. I still put the boppy around her for support, but she doesn't even tripod much, she just sits right up!
Lucy is still her favorite thing/ person in the world. She giggles and smiles so much at the sight of her and they talk and laugh together much of the day.
Harper is swinging on the swings at the playground these days as well. She loves to watch Lucy swinging next to her.
She is eating applesauce and butternut squash mixed with rice cereal and loves them both. She is getting the hang of eating from a spoon and also loves to get food on her fingers that she can suck off. She likes sitting at the table with us as well and loves when Reggie comes to sit next to her.
The past 5 months has flown by and it is a very real possibility that Harper will be crawling by Christmas, if not Thanksgiving. There's some trouble to ponder over!

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