Sunday, October 26, 2008

Harper, the little monster

Harper has almost got sitting down. Her balance is getting better although she still can topple over at any moment and she likes throwing herself backwards. She is trying to get to sitting on her own from her belly, pretty hard when you still can't sit proficiently. She jabbers all the time, wakes up as the happiest kid in all the world, sleeps through the night, and loves playing in her exersaucer. This week she discovered a few new things. For one, she loves to sit in her bumbo seat and play with Lucy's fridge farm. She has figured out that if she presses the buttons it makes a sound. She gets so excited that she ends up throwing it across the room. The other new game she has learned is that she can start a game of peek a boo at any time. She hides her face in my chest or on my shoulder and waits for me to "look" for her. It causes hysterical laughing at times and can go on for forever. She has also decided that she loves cold chewing toys, and board books. The board books she likes have sparkly pages or googly eyes. She will now let me sit and read them to her, but more importantly to her, she loves to chew on them.
Lucy has started calling her "the little monster". And right now, my little monster is waking up, gotta go.

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