Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch with stem head and picky pumpkin chooser

We headed to the pumpkin patch today at Homestead Farms. We met Eli and Jamie Butler there (it has been a real Butler-filled week, 4 outings in one week, now we will quit stalking them for at least a week or until Lucy hits Eli withdrawl). The kids ran around and checked out the animals and then boarded their respective wheelbarrows for a ride out to the pumpkin patch. Once they were among the orange globes Lucy set to work to find the one that fit her "perfect" description: "medium-sized, fat, very orange and with a long stem." It is amazing that among a zillion pumpkins, none fit her description. We walked and walked and walked, turning every pumpkin this way and that and they just wouldn't do. Finally, she found one, but not "the one". She claimed that one was for Harper. Then we looked and looked some more. And then, there it was, one strikingly like the one she picked out for Harper, but decidely better (of course). Then she and Eli became oddly attracted to the thin-skinned, tiny, green, unripe pumpkins. She chose one of those and then was done. Then it was just about exploring the entire patch with Eli. They took turns tripping over vines every 10 feet, they picked up pumpkins and talked of their merits, and they marched along like a couple of hikers out on a trail. Then we turned them around and they repeated. Hay stacks and pizza completed the outting. Harper, as always, was a trooper. She loves watching anything Lucy does and liked licking the pumpkins- I know, I shouldn't let her, but she really was liking it.
We got home and were readying Lucy for nap, hay is nestled all throughout her hair, both girls totally exhausted, and ready for a nice nap. It's amazing how much cool fall air, the country, and hauling pumpkins can wear out a couple of kids, not to mention their parents. A nap is needed though, a Halloween party is on the docket for tonight. A nap and then some sugar, we'll be all set for some more Halloween fun!

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