Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Animal House

There is a scene in Animal House where John Belushi stuffs his mouth with food and then punches his cheeks in to create what he calls a human zit. Food goes flying everywhere and all are grossed out by the act.
This is dinner in our house everynight, except Harper doesn't need to punch her cheeks together, she just razzes the food all over the place. She takes a bite, then puts half the food on her lips and razzes as hard as she can. Peas fly, sweet potatoes are airborn and Harper is covered from hairy head to tiny toe in baby food every night. It's actually the second time (the first involved biting and nursing- ouch!) that she has gotten the stern parent voice from us. She seems to kind of like it though. She will razz and then stop and look at us to see if we are going to reprimand her for spraying food. She looks wide-eyed and sweet (who me?) and then smiles and waits for her next bite, then repeats the process. Telling her no is starting to work. Just say no to the human zit, how's that for baby parenting?

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