Monday, October 13, 2008

Mr. Stinks?

If you've ever had the pleasure of watching Little Einsteins with Lucy you know that it is not your normal kids show. They do all sorts of odd things and the storyline is strange every single time (think saving baby violins from an evil jet plane with a monkey and a penguin helping you). Today Lucy was watching her favorite program and the Little Einsteins were in some sort of caper with the Sphinx of Egypt fame. Lucy was telling me about it and I had to stop her mid-sentence to correct her pronunciation of Sphinx. You see, she was saying "Mr. Stinks". She was adament. There was no way I was right, it was Stinks and there was no question about it. I was laughing so hard at her insistence that I couldn't even tell her the correct way of saying it so I had to call Ian in to set her straight. We both lost the battle. We were idiots in her eyes. Plus, Sphinx is not nearly as giggle-licious as Mr. Stinks.
Sidenote: "f" sounds are still hard for her to say as well, so even when she tried to say it the correct way, it was coming out all jumbled. I should just let her watch her nutty show and keep my corrections to myself. For in the end, when I am correcting her I am "Mrs. Stinks".

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