Sunday, October 19, 2008

Free Falling

Lucy has a new habit of falling. It is not accidental, it is intentional, and very poorly acted. She usually does it when she wants attention or when she feels nervous about something or, well, I'm not sure of the other reasons but it is very annoying. When we are inside I just ignore it and remind myself that Lucy needs to get outside to burn off some energy. When we are outside I ignore it until she starts screaming that she is hurt, clearly she is not, but she will carry on until I check for boo boos and ask her if she is ok. Hopefully it is a passing phase, or I may just start wrapping her up in bandages so that she has no room for more boo boos.
The other new habit she has is to bounce off everything in the house. She comes running into the family room and runs full speed into the chair or the couch, bouncing off of them like a tennis ball. Then she will slide across the coffee tables, hop across the couch on her knees or jump off of one of her chairs. It isn't all the time, but there are just times where it seems like she is actually bursting with energy. Predictably, she gets hurt everytime. Again, this is a time when I have to force her to go outside and run of some energy. She is starting to outgrow some of our regular playgrounds and we are now going on more walks (with her doing the walking) and to other playgrounds that allow her to climb more. She also loves hide-n-seek and scavenger hunts.
All of this energy expulsion just before it turns cold. Great. I'll have a new crawler, a jumping bean and a nutty dog all under one roof. Did I mention it is a tiny little roof? Perhaps I should clear the house of furniture and put in a rock climbing wall, a jungle gym and a treadmill. Earplugs and blinders for me, I think that will be the solution.

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