Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cat napper

We have finally gotten Harper to sleep through the night again. It really only took one night of just not answering her when she called out and that was it, she took the hint, no more 4:30am "let's meet in the front room for a chat, some milk and maybe a little playtime". The flipside, now she just wants to catnap throughout the day. She takes a decent hour and a half nap in the morning and then a 45 minute nap in the afternoon and then wants another 45 minute nap in the evening. No more 3 hour hap in the afternoon with Lucy sleeping 1.5 hours of it and me actually able to get anything done. I'm sure it is temporary, and I am enjoying my full night's sleep, let's just hope that when she goes back to a long afternoon nap it won't be at the same time that Lucy decides to give up her nap entirely.
Another note on the shorty in the house, she is a food lover. This kid is taking to eating like no other. And her thighs are all the thicker for it. We haven't offered her anything she has wanted to turn down and now after she is finished eating her meal I am having to make her seconds. Now if those thick thighs would start holding her up in a sitting position she could start eating some on her own. She tries now, but that just means that she is grabbing the spoon when you are feeding her and tries to "help" herself. I can't wait until we can just chop up some soft vegetables on her tray and let her eat some on her own between bites, then maybe I could eat at dinner as well, at least without being yelled at for another bite.

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