Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's been a while

Well, I don't have much excuse other than I simply haven't had time to update the blog. In the past two weeks we have had 2 birthday parties, a baby shower, school, book group, volunteering, playgroup, an art fair, flu shots, 2 playdates, and so on. In addition, Harper decided that she didn't want to sleep through the night anymore, she wanted to get up 2 or 3 times a night, leaving me exhausted during the girls' naptime.
We have rebooted. Harper is now only waking once a night and is quickly going back to sleep, it seems that the rice cereal we are feeding her is keeping that tummy full through most of the night. She is also moving towards more of a schedule during the day and we are pushing her towards only 2 naps a day, one that is about 3 hours in the afternoon!
On the Lucy front, we are in a birthday party lull now, so we can actually have some time to just relax on the weekends. Don't get me wrong, Lucy loves a birthday party and Ian and I do like getting to see our friends on the weekends as well, it's just that they start to take over our lives during certain times of the year. Lucy loves weekend mornings when we don't have to scramble to go to a party. She stays in her pajamas until lunchtime, she plays with every toy in the house, she encourages much pancake making from Ian, and she basks in the attention that she gets from having both parents at home at the same time. And Ian gets to see the girls play and relax rather than the evening routine of dinner, bath, books, whining, and bed (always followed by more whining).
So, with more sleep, some time during naps and two girls that give me endless material, the blog will be up and running more often. That is, of course, until somebody gets sick, Harper decides to stop sleeping altogether or another birthday party pops up. Now I'm off to the fabric store for "nice ghost" costume materials, see, now there's a blog entry waiting to happen!

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