Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Little Daddy

We met up with our friends Miriam and Gabe over the weekend. When we were leaving Lucy wanted to know where "Miriam and her little Daddy were going". While this is funny in its own right, it reminded me that Lucy seems to think that everyone is a child one way or the other. She is constantly referring to waiters at restaurants, salesclerks, and other people on the street as "little boys" or "little girls". She will ask me where a waiter's Daddy or Mommy is. All of this is harmless, except is does get a little embarrassing when she won't let the questions stop and eventually asks the adult "where is your mommy?" Of course, the adults usually don't have any clue what she is talking about. That makes many, many of us. Much like the other day when she was talking nonstop to a litte girl about "her grandchildren". Maybe Lucy just thinks she is the mature one among us.

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