Wednesday, August 13, 2008

But, I love her!

Lucy has had some trouble with naps this week. In her words, "I'm just a little bit naughty". I think it is due to the fact that she is still adjusting to getting back into the swing of things since the beach and since she has been sleeping until nearly 9am everyday. I'm trying to get her back on track. Today though, LaLa was causing a lot of trouble. Lucy couldn't stop playing with her, swaddling, nursing, singing, etc- she was forgetting that SHE was the kid that needed to go to sleep, not her stuffed animal. I had to take LaLa away. Her response? Well, it was the most dramatic thing ever. Lucy was sobbing into her pillow, screaming in a high pitched voice that "She's my best friend. I will never see her again, but I love her! She loves me. " and on and on. It made me feel awful. I went in to calm her down, with tears streaming down her face, told her I loved her and she said, "LaLa is my best friend, I just want to be with her." Stay tuned viewers, for These are the Days of Lala'a life".

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