Thursday, August 14, 2008

A little box of sunshine

When Harper was born some of the Jefferies' friends sent us some new children's cds. They have taken over my life. Every hour or so Lucy asks if she can listen to some of "her music" (Raffi's little box of sunshine). Her favorite is "He's got the whole world". We listen to the song 20 times everytime we get into the car and 99% of Lucy's made-up songs are to the same tune. Also on the cd, many songs with kazoos. Hence the reason Lucy was overheard saying yesterday that her favorite instruments are "guitars, drums and kazoos." (this is where I should add, thanks, but no thanks, we do not need any additional guitars, drums or kazoos in our home!) It all makes me remember a time when Lauren and I would whine and complain that Rob made us listen to NPR on our way to school in the mornings. Ahhh, how I crave some NPR now!

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