Monday, May 11, 2009

Little Artist

Harper started coloring last week. I found Lucy's old giant crayons so she can't bite through them in a single chomp, but she tries....
Her favorite color is purple. No question about it. No matter what I offered, purple had to be in one of her hands. The only other preference she showed was yellow, although she would be willing to put that one down from time to time to use another color. Coloring consisted of some long lines, lots of hammering the crayon on the paper to make dots and like stated before, tasting the crayons from time to time. Once the art is complete she then will crumple it, crawl or walk around with it, play peek-a-boo with it or otherwise trash it. She is very protective of it though. You cannot touch it until she is finished with it. She sat for her first coloring for about 30 minutes- that's a very long time for her short attention span so I am eager for art everyday!

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