Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting married and having babies

Lucy has been talking a lot lately about when her babies are going to be born, not her baby brother, but rather, HER babies. This week her schedule is a little hectic: Tuesday, one baby comes out, Wed two babies comes out and then later in the week another baby comes out. She then topped off her schedule with getting married today. She talked about it all morning and told me that she was going to "need to change her shirt before her wedding this afternoon." Then, while we were at the zoo with the Butler gang, she said that she wanted to "dance with Eli, like they were at their wedding." She then proceeded to put her hands on his hips and drag him around. Eli made some sort of noise like "Ohhhhh. Ayeeeee. Ohhhhhh!" Not so sure what was going on or why this blonde was talking marriage and taking the lead in their wedding dance.

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