Monday, May 4, 2009

Buckets of fun!

And they'll have fun, fun, fun while there Daddy is away...
While Ian was in Europe last week we had four days of hot weather. So it was time to bring out the sprinkler. Lucy has been asking to do so since Feb when the weather was, uh, less than warm. Just add water and you have fun around here.
The very sight of the sprinklers brought all the neighborhood kids out and they squealed and ran in and out of the streams of water for hours at a time. Harper even got it one day when a stream of water made its way to her face. She just sat there and cried while she got beaned with a tiny stream of water right between the eyes. She sometimes forgets that she knows how to crawl when she is on the grass- go figure.
Buckets and watering cans were filled and emptied and impromptu picnics were had. We certainly found a way to beat the heat.

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