Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cherry Picking

These top photos were how Lucy spent some of her time in the cherry trees- taking photos. She wanted to share them. She was also particularly proud of the yellow leaves she had found. It has been a particular agenda of hers to point out whenever she sees yellow leaves since I explained to her that the spring meant everything turned green. She is constantly wanting to prove to me that not everything is green in spring and summer, that sometimes things are yellow, brown, etc. She actually took about 15 photos of yellow leaves to make her point, I only posted one- point made.

We headed to Homestead Farm with our friends the Wells last week to pick cherries. They were so tart that the kids mostly refrained from eating them by the handful, but no worries, they still got plenty down the hatch. We used ours for cobbler and crisp.

Lucy and Parish picked cherries for about 30 seconds and then spent the rest of the time running through the orchard and hiding in the trees. They spotted a birds nest and helped keep and eye on the little girls. Caroline and Harper did most of the eating, and once I convinced Harper that picking cherries was like cleaning up cherries, she was on board for picking. It was her personal mission to make sure that each branch she could reach was rid of cherries and that they ended up in our box. The kid loves to clean up!

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