Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Big Chill

Our pool was closed due to a broken pipe for the past few weeks. Today it opened- much to Lucy's pure delight! But let me give the background. They fixed the pool, then filled it Thursday. It rained Thursday and Friday with high temps around 70 degrees with very chilly nights. You can do the math, that means the temperature of the pool today was something like FROSTY. To top it off, the morning was cool and cloudy, not helping the temps. But she was not to be deterred.

The minute the clouds parted and the sun came out Lucy and I were on our way. To say it was cold is an undertatement. It was too cold to put a toe in. But there she was, in all her purple-lipped glory dunking herself into the icy waters. It was a polar bear plunge. She spent about 20 minutes running crazy and screaming in the water, even fully submerging herself a few times. Then it was time to warm up and she only went back in up to her ankles after that. But she will be back tomorrow. And the next day and all of those after that. It doesn't snow in June, right?

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