I've written that Lucy has an imaginary dog, named Agic. Well, Agic has been joined by another imaginary dog named Pluto. One has a blue leash, the other a red one. They are pretty calm these days and she usually says that they are outside playing in the woods or they are under the table eating a bone. Now that she has her dogs well trained though, her two imaginary friends, Gaga and Dippa Dippa are in the mix. These two are always on the go and Lucy obsesses about what they are doing, where they are going, etc. She has some of the most elaborate stories about shopping trips they are making (usually to buy milk, diapers or dog bones for Agic and Pluto). The other day I caught her talking to the toilet and asked her what she was doing and she looked at me so perturbed and said that Dippa Dippa was going potty. The other imaginary item in her world is Rocket. Rocket is just that except that it tends to get lost from time to time. She will spend an hour looking out the window or around the house for Rocket and sometimes Gaga or Dippa Dippa or even La La go on the rocket and tell her stories about space.
Ian and I can hardly keep up with her great imagination and sometimes wonder if Lucy can. The stories always start out with Lucy seeming to recognize that she is making up the story but sometimes we swear that she gets so swept up in her own imagination that she can't tell what is real and what isn't . She can get very upset about Rocket being gone or Gaga not returning from the store before nighttime. They say that a great imagination at a young age is a sign of great intelligence. We just love to hear the stories and laugh at all the antics of her "friends".
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