Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Lucy is really in love with all the daffodils that are popping up everywhere. Good thing that Belle View plants hundreds of them in our Town Center. We decided to have a picnic among the daffodils and take a few pictures (including Lucy's annual bunny ears photo among the flowers). Lucy kept telling me to put the camera down, but I just couldn't. Here are some of the photos we snapped. Notice that her pink slinky is in many of the pictures. She used it as her "pogo stick" and hopped all over the neighborhood. She just couldn't understand why I didn't want to be seen hopping with a slinky between my legs along the main road in our neighborhood while we "hopped" to the library. I don't have much bounce these days and I am not sure that it is appropriate for any grown adult to hop with a slinky between their legs at anytime in public. She and I will jut have to disagree on this one!

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