Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tooth or no tooth?

Harper is a drooling machine. It has made her cheeks and chin raw, my clothes, her clothes, her toys and everything that comes near her soaking wet. She bites everything in site. And yet I'm not sure if there is a tooth or not. She thinks it is a big game when I try to look. There seems to be a little white spot, but I can't really tell since she starts giggling, razzing and talking everytime I try to look. Her sleep has been disrupted and she has been a little needy. It could be teeth, it could be that she is closing in on 6 months and has learned how to manipulate me. We'll see, in the meantime she is relishing the cold teething rings, the frozen wash cloths, the frozen veggies in her teething bag and the attention.

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