Monday, November 10, 2008

Naming of Hands

On the right we have Jeff. On the left we have Jack. They are Lucy's hands. Yes, she named them. They are given kudos for accomplishing things like eating snacks, playing nicely, coloring, etc. They are consoled when one gets hurt (the other strokes the hurt hand and whispers sweet nothings to make the hurt hand feel better). They have their own story as well. Jeff is Jack's dad. Jack is 4 years old. Lucy says that Jeff isn't a particular age, because "grown ups aren't numbers". Lucy also likes when they get into capers: "Jack is a big mess. He is all purple!" (yes, she was finger painting). It might come across as bizarre for most, but Lucy naming her hands is pretty much the norm around here. We think it's hilarious and we try to trip her up with which hand is which games. She always knows who is who, and for that, I think, Jeff and Jack deserve a big thumbs up.

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