Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's in a name?

Lucy is loving school. She is the chatterbox, the class clown and the know-it-all. She is also liking all the kids in her class, even the new kids that started this week. The only problem is that she has no idea what their names are. She calls Yasmine, "Jasmine, like the princess." Close, but no cigar. The best was when I asked what the newest little girl's name was (after Lucy said that she really, really, really liked her and had a lot of fun with her). She replied, "Frisbee." Now, I didn't know what the little girl's name was, but I was pretty sure that her name was not Frisbee. When I said "Frisbee?!!!" She just smiled and said, "Well, that's what I call her because I don't know her name." I guess she gets an A for effort for trying to make friends with the new kid at school. For the record, her name is Lisbeth but Lucy now tells me that she will call her "Elizabeth". We have had several discussions about why she would not like to be called anything other than her name and her response was "Elizabeth could be her name." Better than Frisbee.

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