Tuesday, September 23, 2008

19 weeks

Harper is 19 weeks old today. She went to the doctor for her 4 month check up. She weighs in at a slim 12 pounds 2 ounces. That puts her in the 25th percentile weight while she is in the 75th percentile for length. Long and lean, just like her, ummm, not sure, jury is still out on this one. She got 4 shots and one oral vaccine. Not what she was wanting at all. She was quiet through one shot, a little ticked off with the second and then she raised a lot of cane with the third and fourth. I know that she already doesn't remember it, but I hate when she has to get shots every time.
On a more positive note, she showed off for the doctors and nurses- shouting, squealing, razzing, grabbing her toes, trying to stand up, rolling over, pushing herself up, etc. With the great check up, she was approved for eating solids so we tried it out tonight at dinner. She tried rice cereal. It was a sort of hit. She tried it, spit it out and then tried it again. Then while I ate my dinner she shouted and stared at the bowl with her cereal. When I offered it again she ate more of it and actually anticipated taking a bite. I'm sure once we start sweetening it up a bit she will gobble it up. Now maybe she will stop trying to grab my food all the time and eat her own, little piggy.

I love this video. I call it "stuck in a cup". Harper is of course, just checking it out very closely. The whining started as talking and then she seems to not know how to lower her hands, i.e. the cup from her face. I just love that she is telling me and the cup off.

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