Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome to the world Harper Mary!!!

Harper Mary Jefferies was born on Tuesday, May 13 at 11:04pm. After 8 hours of labor, she came into the world weighing 6lbs 9 oz with a perfectly round little head full of the funniest hair. Her eyes are a deep blue although we haven't seen them much (she slept 13 hours straight on Wed!) Her hair is a light brown with lots of golden blonde highlights, it swirls around her head and is pretty long. I think she resembles Lucy at this age, but she seems to look a bit more like Ian than Lu did. We are all doing well and have brought Harper home and are excited to show her off to the world. Lucy is very concerned with making sure she has clean diapers, showing Harper her toys and touching her at every opportunity. Here are some photos. I'm off to bed before the little night owl wakes up, more reports to come very soon...

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yeah!! Congrats to everyone. We can't wait to meet Harper.