Saturday, May 17, 2008

Still cute after 4 days

You've never seen such a little thing sneeze so much. Sneezing, sleeping, making little bird noises and eating- yep, that about sums it up for Harper's first 4 days in this world. She has started to wake a bit more and today even had some play time. She seems to really like her swing and we have to remind ourselves that she probably shouldn't hang out there all of her waking time. Today we gave her a little sponge bath, with Lucy's help which ended up with a perfectly clean, dressed baby that in turn pooped, had to be changed and then mid-change, pooped all over the towel she was lying on. So much for that sweet baby smell. Lucy was thoroughly amused.
We then headed to Belle View's Town Center where we saw a ton of friends and introduced Harper to the neighborhood at the big yard sale. Lucy got a bit tired of everyone asking her if she liked being a big sister, but other than that, it was a great time. Lucy then headed to a birthday party at the soft playroom and Harper and I hung around the house. When they got home we put Harper on the floor for some tummy time and she seemed to really like looking at herself in the mirror. Lucy liked shoving toys in her face and then treated La La to some of Harper's toys. Then Harper curled up in my lap and was the calmest you've ever seen anybody, which then led to drifting off to nap- pretty peaceful.
So far, not much sleep going on at night, but we're working on flipping that around. Reggie is being a good sport, Lucy is for the most part her usual self and Ian is helping with anything and everything. Friends are bringing food all next week and everyone seems to agree that we do indeed make beautiful little girls.

Speaking of beauties- we think that Harper seems to look a bit more like Ian right now. She is certainly not a spitting image of Lucy at this age. Harper has blonde in her hair, dimples on both cheeks, she has a pinker complexion and her eyes seem to be shaped more like Ian's. Of course, she has the same cupid's bow on her top lip, the same little frown mark on her chin, the same little nose and the same full cheeks as Lucy. Ian is going to to be a mess with boys calling in 15 years (of course, he still maintains that Lucy and Harper will be volunteering or at the library on the weekends, no boys!)

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