Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 2008 Our favorite Lucyisms

backmoley"- or guacamole. She likes it with "quesadillas" which is anything in a tortilla, including plain tortillas, tacos or quesadillas.
"Noonyuls"- or noodles. Lucy asks for "noonyuls" for every lunch and dinner. Sometimes she wants them with "pasta" or pesto and sometimes with "red sauce" or marinara.
"George Washington Monument"- In Lucy's world, everything with Washington or George Washington is now George Washington Monument. For instance, we live near the George Washington Monument Parkway. The first president of the US was the George Washington Monument, etc.
"Hockey"- Lucy has a love for this sport, but it is also the word she uses for jockey. She is in love with the Kentucky Derby and gets on her rocking horse to ride in her version of the race as a "hockey". And by the way, "hockeys" wear different colored hats.
"Bessert"- Lucy's way of saying dessert. We hear "what is for bessert?" about a hundred times each night at dinner.
"Camote" this is Lucy's word for remote. You can correct her a zillion times, she will say it correctly and then immediately resort back to saying "here is the camote, can I watch Mickey Mouse?"

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