Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Show Off!

Harper went for her 2 week appointment today and the nurse kept commenting on what a show off she is! She kept rolling onto her side and when she was on her belly she kept doing a crawling motion that scooted her up and away from the nurse. We, of course, know she is strong. She holds her head up and really won't stay on her back, she loves to sleep on her side.
Other great things that Harper is accomplishing so far: she slept 8 hours last night without a feedin- yeah! I would love to take credit, but this is mostly her doing. After 2 weeks, we swear that she is calm, quiet, and content. She makes having a newborn look easy! She weighs 7 lbs now, is 21 inches and is all but perfect!
Lucy is doing great, too. Next week is her last week at school and she has been practicing her end of the year program at school. I think she will really miss Miss Chris and Miss Sophie and all her Panda room friends. Of course, the pool opened this weekend and swimming might quickly erase all the sadness of not going to school (it always did for me!)

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