Saturday, May 3, 2008

Birthday party, tutus and Derby

We kicked off Derby Day with a birthday party for both Asher and Aurelia. The party was at the BV playground so Lucy got lots of swing and slide time, lots of fun in the sun and all the pizza that little tummy can hold (while also holding 2 juice boxes!) She was so funny because the night before she started planning her outfit- I have to say this is a first other than for school nights. She decided that she needed to wear a tutu and make-up. We left it at that and thought she probably wouldn't remember this morning. Wrong. She had all of her dress up clothes out bright and early and I had to contain her at just a tutu. At one time, she wanted to wear a tutu, her ladybug costume, boots, a tiara and take a princess wand. We compromised on a dress, pink tutu and her pink Chuck Taylors (very Punky Brewster!) Then it was time for the glitter. And boy, did we glitter. She glittered every inch of her body and about half of mine. Everybody we came into contact with over the course of the day was wearing some of her glitter within minutes. When I asked Lucy if she was a ballerina, a fairy or a princess she said, "I'm just a girl who likes tutus."

After a nap we made a collage of horse pictures from magazines and talked about the Kentucky Derby. We then headed out for some fun with friends in the front yard. No worries, Christian blasted us with "My Old Kentucky Home" from inside his house so we did not miss the tribute to our own Kentucky home. Then we watched the Derby with Ronin's family where Lucy yelled "Go horsies, go!" and cheered for the girl horse, who, of course came in second. She was so worried and beside herself when she overheard that the girl horse was hurt. We didn't have the heart to tell her anything other than the fact that the horse was no longer hurting. The good news, I hit the exacta, so Momma will have new clothes after this baby decides to make her appearance- yippee! Thanks Big Brown and Eight Belles! We finished the night with a pop-up book from Grandpa and Bon Bon about the Kentucky Derby. She will have rosy dreams tonight (she loved the idea of the horse getting covered in roses!)

It's 9:21pm. Having lots of Braxton-Hicks. No sign of Little Sister yet. Sorry Derby-baby fans, this filly looks to be staying in place for the time being.

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