Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I woke this morning with nobody but Reggie in the house. There was clear evidence that breakfast was going to be made at home and that Ian and Lucy had gone out on what we like to call "a secret mission" (always a present buying outing). They returned with balloon, tulips and roses in hand and Lucy yelling "Happy Mother's Day!" Not a bad way to start the day at all. Then they made pancakes and bacon and Lucy painted LaLa's new imaginary friend (who, by the way is named "Human") a card to give to her family for mother's day. Throughout the week Lucy has also presented me with a thumprinted clay pot, a card, a painting and a whole lot of chocolate kisses to mark Mother's Day. I'm not sure she understands the fuss, but she is always willing to give me presents!

The one not showing up, Little Sister. I have endured 3 nights now of false labor. I'm not even getting out of bed for it anymore. It starts up, lasts for hours with contractions about 10 minutes apart and then just fizzles out. The first night it lasted for 10 hours! We were all set to go to the hospital when the doctor said to wait. Shortly after they stopped. No fun. Yesterday marked 5 days before my due date, Lucy came 5 days early. Today is Mother's Day, maybe she'll come today. Tomorrow is Monday the 12th- Lucy was born on Monday the 12th. After tomorrow, I will start to lose patience. I really don't want to go to the doctor for just another check up!

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