Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well, our little experiment worked. Lucy got a butterfuly treehouse from Bon Bon and Grandpa for Easter and we sent away for our caterpillars. They arrived in the mail as tiny little wormlike beings (which Lucy promptly shook vigorously in the package) and I thought, this will never work. The box had no directions and we pretty much just winged it with the upbringing of these "pets". Lucy loved watching the caterpillars get fatter and bigger each and every day and monitoring how much food they were eating. Then they entered their chrysallis stage and just hearing her say the word "chrysallis" was worth it, but I don't think Ian nor myself thought we were actually going to end up with 5 butterlies. But boy were we wrong! The butterflies made their appearance the day we brought Harper home from the hospital and day after day, they each emerged. When the final butterfly was fluttering around, we called Ronin to meet us outside for the great release. They both were so excited to see the butterflies and Lucy was so proud that her pets were able to fly around and "collect pollen" she said. What a success. We'll have to do it again sometime.

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