Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Taylor's House

Yesterday Lucy was talking about all the places she is going to go while in Kentucky, including Aunt Taylor's house. She was pleasantly surprised to hear that Taylor lived in a house with her friends (I'm sure visions of living with Ronin, Asher and Andrew were dancing through her head, sorry kid, no living with boys until you are married or have a brother). She asked, "Is it decorated nice?" Which I thought was a pretty funny question coming from a 2.5 year old. When I said yes, it was decorated nicely and that she would like it she added, "Does it have stickers and paint on the walls?" This is when I realized that along with visions of living with her friends, she also thought that I was saying that Aunt Taylor lived in a cardboard house like the one Santa gave her for Christmas, which is indeed "decorated" with stickers and paint. I hope that she isn't disappointed that Taylor doesn't live like a homeless person!

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