Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lucy ain't the only one doing forward rolls!

Lucy has taken to doing forward rolls everywhere. For some reason they seem more fun if they are performed on the bed, on the couch, in chairs, etc. Of course, all of these platforms are not suitable for somersaults so they end up just being death traps. Let's hope that we can keep her from breaking her neck doing a forward roll off of the rocking chair in her room!

Lucy isn't the only one doing forward rolls. "Little Sister" seems to be working on her gymnastics routine as well. I am not only being kicked and punched all night long (yes, all NIGHT long) but the baby is definitely flipping and flopping and I can even see it happening at times. To top it all off, I am already having Braxton-Hicks contractions, those lovely fake contractions that don't really amount to anything, other than a very active baby afterwards. The good news, Lucy gets to feel and see the baby move more. She also likes to talk to the baby now and tells "Little Sister" about her day, tells her she loves her and tells her to "stop kicking momma" or "wake up Little Sister, you can't sleep all day and kick momma all night!" Little Sister likes to keep me awake from about 1:30am until 3:30am every night. Lucy is also now getting up with the sun, literally, every day so I am looking forward to the time change in a couple of weeks so that maybe Lu will sleep in a bit so that I can get a few more zzzz's as well.

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