Saturday, February 9, 2008

Taking all this learning very seriously

For months, if not for more than a year, I've been talking to Lucy about the letters that grace the covers of her books in the titles, the color that is in the front page of the book and so on and so on, just as another way of introducing colors, letters, etc. Now she is turning it on me. She will say, "That is a diamond shape. Momma, can you name 3 other things that are diamond shapes?" Or "That page is red, can you name 5 things that are red?" or "That is letter T. Turtle begins with T. Can you name some things that begin with T, Momma?" And it is always a test. If I don't give the right answers I am told that I gave it a "good try" or that I need to think of some more because I am not thinking of the same things she is. She is a much tougher instructor than I am! (but sharp as a tack!)

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