Sunday, December 16, 2007

God is great, God is good

We took Lucy to church on Sunday after sitting out for a few months since she is perpetually squirming and talking way too loud for the service. She did a great job and demonstrated just how much they are teaching her at school during chapel and storytimes. When the minister said something about God in his sermon, Lucy began saying her mealtime prayer, "God is great, God is good, let us thank him!" Then she saw the nativity behind us and promptly began telling us about baby Jesus, the angels and Mary and Joseph (this is certainly her favorite story right now and she talks about it all the time- need to know about the Nativity, just ask Lu). She said "Amen" right on cue a couple of times and even tried to sing one of the Latin songs, albeit a minute or two after the rest of the congregation finished singing. She was sweet and nice to all the folks that stopped to say hello to her and pretty much made us feel like we have no excuse for not returning each and every Sunday!

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