Sunday, December 30, 2007

Little Miss Naughty

Aunt Taylor gave Lucy 5 "Little Miss" stories for Christmas, including Lucy's two new favorites, "Little Miss Naughty" and "Little Miss Sunshine". We read these each a couple times a day. She loves Little Miss Naughty the most. She thinks that it is just scandalous that Little Miss Naughty breaks Mr. Clever's glasses and is always relieved at the end when Naughty mends her ways.
The best part? The story begins with the line "Are you ever naughty?" Lucy always shakes her head no. The second line says "Sometimes, I bet!" and again, she says "No!" I guess all those tantrums and time outs as of late are something "Little Miss Sunshine" would order up, not the naughty one!

Giving Thanks

Lucy and I have started saying bedtime prayers and they have gotten very sweet. We've only been doing them for about a week but she never lets me forget to say them and she is always ready with her responses. I start by saying "Dear God, thank you for..." and she fills in the blanks. She has been thankful for each of her family members by name, for Reggie, for La La, for food, for her house, her friends, her toys, her bed, Daddy, Momma and her car. I love hearing what she comes up with and she always ends with a big "Amen!" I figured that with her love for the story of the Nativity and baby Jesus that we should take the opportunity to give thanks. There's something really nice about her realizing that she is thankful for her family, friends and all the things in her life. Of course, Reggie is usually the thing that she is most thankful for.

Agic, Lucy's imaginary dog

Lucy told us a week ago that she had a dog named "Agic". That was about it, just that she loved her dog named Agic. Today, though, we were leaving the grocery and she told me that I needed to make sure that her dog was with us. I said, "Your dog? What's your dog's name?" She said, "Agic". She then went on to tell me that Agic is a little white dog who likes to jump up into the back of the car and ride around with us. Agic is "very cute" and that "nobody can see Agic but Lucy". Although she does ask me all the time "Momma, where is Agic?" or "What is Agic doing?" I usually tell her that I can't see him and that she has to tell me. He is always getting into trouble and doing things that other dogs can't do, like sleeping on the table.

I know everybody is probably tired of me telling them how smart Lucy is, but I mean, come on! Her imagination is so out there and she can have entire conversations with her baby dolls and La La and now Agic? Brilliant, or as Lucy would say "Fantastic!" And she's just 2- who knows what she is going to dream up in the coming years!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

more Christmas videos

Chrismas Morning

Lucy was up half the night so we weren't sure how she was going to react this morning. We hope that this ton of video help you to see her excitement and keep you part of her Christmas morning. She was crying the other day because she said she wanted to see her grandmas at Christmas. It's been hard telling her that we are staying here even though her best buds were going to their grandmas. We think that she quickly forgot all that sadness when she saw all the Santa presents and realized that her grandparents all remembered her with gifts as well. The joy of being 2!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve 2007

Christmas Eve was full of preparation at our house. We had Todd and Kimberly Davis over for dinner so we prepared for that throughout the day, Lucy wanted to make them a present so she prepared by making them a stack of ornaments. Our cookie supply is low and we know how those Jefferies love cookies, so we baked more cookies in preparation of their coming in a few days and Lucy prepared for Santa by leaving out reindeer food on the front sidewalk, making a plate of cookies for Santa and by thoroughly getting herself so worked up she was barely able to sleep throughout the night (we didn't sleep either!)

Friday, December 21, 2007

First Haircut

Well, after hearing of all sorts of stories of friends taking their kids for their first haircuts and the kids crying, squirming or being altogether terrified, I was a little apprehensive about taking Lucy. She didn't really require a haircut, but we thought that her hair was looking a bit scraggly and it was getting harder and harder to comb with all the crazy lengths in the back. So I thought that I would leave it up to Lucy. I asked her "would you like to go get a haircut today" and she replied, "can we go right now". I guess she didn't want it to interfere with any of her other plans.

I took her to Hair Cuttery so we didn't have an appointment and when we go there we had to wait 10 minutes, a lifetime to Lucy and in that time she asked a million times, "Can I get my haircut now? Taylor, Hunter, Momma, Daddy, Ronin and Deb all get their hair cut. I need to, too!" Of course, since she is cute, smart and was so excited, they paid extra attention to her. They brought a special seat for her, a special bib, lollipops, a certificate, posed for pictures and pretty much made her feel like getting your haircut was the best thing ever. She sat perfectly still, smiled the whole time. When we were leaving she said "I want to get my haircut again". No trauma here!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And the angels will sing

Lucy is very interested in the story of the Nativity right now. She know sit frontwards and backwards and we retell it everynight before bed. She even made a nativity scene out of stickers that her teachers gave her and she loves to look at it and talk about all the players.
So it should not be surprising that when I went in for a routine doctor's appointment and Lucy tagged along she talked about baby Jesus and when they asked her if she was excited about being a big sister she said, "yes, and the angels will sing". Who knew I was going to birth the second coming!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

God is great, God is good

We took Lucy to church on Sunday after sitting out for a few months since she is perpetually squirming and talking way too loud for the service. She did a great job and demonstrated just how much they are teaching her at school during chapel and storytimes. When the minister said something about God in his sermon, Lucy began saying her mealtime prayer, "God is great, God is good, let us thank him!" Then she saw the nativity behind us and promptly began telling us about baby Jesus, the angels and Mary and Joseph (this is certainly her favorite story right now and she talks about it all the time- need to know about the Nativity, just ask Lu). She said "Amen" right on cue a couple of times and even tried to sing one of the Latin songs, albeit a minute or two after the rest of the congregation finished singing. She was sweet and nice to all the folks that stopped to say hello to her and pretty much made us feel like we have no excuse for not returning each and every Sunday!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Aut Tawor comes for a visit

Taylor came for a visit for about 5 days and Lucy couldn't have been happier. She really loves hanging out with Taylor and Taylor obliges by doing whatever Lucy wants. They played, went to Lucy's friends birthday party, made sprinkle cookies and paintbrush cookies, they painted and colored, pretended to make and swap cookies, visited with Taylor's charge, Eli; picked out Christmas presents for Reggie, and went to the Zoo for Zoolights where they light up part of the zoo with large light displays and twinkle lights. You'll notice Lucy dressed like an Eskimo at the Zoo, it was freezing and we had wind gusts of 30 miles and hour- but we still had fun and Lucy loved the chip and salsa that awaited her at the Mexican restaurant at the end of the night.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Trains and Christmas Fever

Lucy and I went to a local mall the other day and rode the train that takes you around the mall. She loved it and loved having the opportunity to wave out the window to Santa and all the passersby. Then she rode on a coin operated rocket where she exclaimed that she was going to the moon and that she needed to take her lunch and a jacket.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gingerbread House

Lu and I made a gingerbread house today. Well, I constructed the house, Lucy ate all the toppings, I refilled the toppings and then she put a few on the house, then finished off the rest. She loved it and said that Santa would love it too. She embellished with white chocolate chips, gumdrops, colored marshmallows, hot cinnamon candies, jelly beans and sprinkles, all of which tasted "really good."

Plah doh cooking

Lucy loves to help cook so she has decided that she will live out her culinary love through playdoh. She works so hard making "pizza" and "cookies" and any number of things out of playdoh, puts them in a pan and "cooks" them on a chair under our table. Then she serves up the goodies and starts all over again.

Animals, Animals!

Lucy has really started to play with all of her stuffed animals, all 10,000 of them. They end up piled up in spots all over the house but she usually chooses just one for a few days that is favored above the rest. It has been Eeyore, her white reindeer,La La, the Grinch, Snow Monster and Elmo as of late. The favored animal gets to ride in the stroller, gets pushed in her grocery cart, gets to eat snack with her and goes with us in the car. She has complete conversations with them, puts diapers on them and in general treats them like her best friend.

In other animal news, she loves her farm animals, her zoo animals and her horses. These end up in bags, grocery cart, and in little settings all over the house. She feeds them cheerios, makes them kiss, and has them carry on conversations amongst themselves. She in turn looks like a bag lady with her bags full of figurines, her grocery cart full of animals and stuffed animals, her 3 purses hanging from her shoulders and cart and she is often wearing my shoes while she plays this game. Pack rat.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Pancakes with Santa

While Ian was out of town Lucy and I met Erin, Andrew and Jay for pancakes at their church. It was a Santa breakfast and Lucy was thrilled to be able to tell the big man in person what she wanted for Christmas. Apparently, it is a good thing that she had already put "a train" on Santa's list since she told him about 15 times that she wanted one for Christmas. She was enamored with him. She sat on his lap for quite some time, prompting Santa to say, "We'll she is pretty comfortable. She's been here since Thanksgiving and looks like she'll be here until after the New Year." Lucy added, " I want a train and presents for my momma." A candy cane was the only thing able to pull her away.

Then she spent the rest of the time running free and hugging Andrew, their new favorite pasttime together.