Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A little light reading

Harper has had one thing on her mind today, looking through my labor and delivery books. You see, I got them out to give away and she found them. Now all she has been doing today is flipping through them. They really aren't exciting. There are no pictures, but endless pages of black type on white paper. I ask her what she is doing and she replies "reading a book". Sometimes you can even hear her "reading". It sounds like this, "yabagoodoodada latilagayabalk"- or you get the idea. Why these books and not her own or even something or mine that looks somewhat interesting? I don't know but I do know that it is just another thing that is keeping her attention for longer than a minute that I am all too happy to let her do. Uh, oh, she just got to the end of one and said, "all done". Now I might have to entertain her. Where are our tax documents?

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