Friday, December 11, 2009

Not sleeping anyways

I don't write many blogs about myself, but today is an exception. Why? Because this morning at 5:30am it was the coldest morning of the season so far- 26 degrees with a 13 degree windchill. What does that have to do with me? Well, at that time I was entering my first day of "boot camp", outside. And Taylor, my personal motivator, was joining me. We ran uphill (not sure I have really run in about 5 years), we did squats and lunges more times than I care to recall (although my legs are recalling, and recalling). My stomach, which obviously could use some extra crunches, was on fire. An hour later I was hot, tired and ready to throw up. About 10 minutes later I was ready for sleep, freezing and hoping, praying that the kids would choose this morning to sleep in. They did and we all rolled out of bed around 8:15. Hot tea, hot breakfast, hot shower and I was feeling much better.
I'll be back on Monday and maybe I will have more than 2 hours of sleep under my belt (no exaggeration, each kid woke up a couple of times last night and with a 4:40 wake up call, that doesn't leave much time for real sleep). I'll keep up the camp as long as I am not a complete zombie or modern medicine doesn't decide that a little bit of extra belly weight is a great way to live to 100. Either way, Sgt. Gunny, the trainer, won't have it. He'll be yelling, "C'mon Motivators, get up that hill" and I'll be huffing and puffing all the way.

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