Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

I'm going to jinx myself, just wait and see. I have bootcamp in the morning and just writing this means that I am likely to be up a zillion times tonight. But the miracle? Graham has slept through the night 4 of the past 5 nights. He eats like a furocious beast from about 5pm until 9pm and then around 9:30 he nods off and we don't see him until around 8am. I actually had to wake him this morning at 8:20 so we could make it to Harper's doc appointment. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed that this is a new phase for him. Ian and I just might get our room back by the new year- 10 years together, three kids and a whole lot of sleepless nights, I think we have earned it.

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