Friday, October 9, 2009

A loving Journey

Don't be fooled, we have not moved on from "Don't stop believin'" by Journey, but Lucy is expanding her music tastes. On the way to and from school we now listen to "Hey Ya" by Outkast and "Lucy" by Ryan Adams. This week we also added a Halloween cd to "mix it up a little" as Lucy says. But no, we have not stopped believin'. In fact, we have just made it past the one Journey song and onto several others. She is not afraid to belt out "Any way you want it, that's they way you need it, any way you want it". She even did so at her field trip the other day. But my favorite music moment of the week was when she was listening to "Faithfully" (of course, she calls the song "Highway Run" after the first few words of the song) and Steve Perry's voice filled our car so sweetly and she said, "Mom, can this be mine and Graham's song?"

On the other hand, she and Harper have found a whole new love for the family dance party. We used to do this a couple nights a week when Harper was much younger and Lucy and I used to have "dance parties" in the afternoon by ourselves before H and G arrived. What does a dance party entail? Well, lately it entails Harper yelling, "Dance Party" and "Jump on it!" and refusing to leave the stereo's side until the requisit song is cued. Once the beginning drum beats of the Sugarhill Gang's "Apache" are heard, she and Lucy run to the center of the room and begin dancing with myself and Ian. Graham joins in when he isn't already in bed. The dancing involves lots of gunslinging, horse galloping, lassoing, and "freestyle" as Lucy and Ian call it. We usually have to repeat the dance at least once each time and the girls are still giggling once the song has died down. While Lucy requesting "Faithfully" as her and Graham's song was the music highlight of the week, the dancing highlight was definitely when Harper tried to imitate Ian's "floor work". She quickly dropped down to do some floor spins and other awesome breakdancing moves during last night's dance party. Some families listen to Raffi and Baby Einstein, we bust out Outkast, Journey, and Sugarhill Gang, complete with 80's breakdancing moves.

1 comment:

LGS said...

Don't forget "You can't always get what you want"...always a meaningful song.