Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lucy's first day as a Monkey!

The day before Graham was born I was able to see Lucy off for her first day at school as a Monkey! Taylor graciously helped out by going to school with Lu and doing one of my co-ops. Lu was so excited to be "moving upstairs" to the big kid room, or pre-K. She has made the adjustment effortlessly although her teacher is still saying that she is very quiet. Hopefully that will come to a halt soon and she will show off her true personality- chatty, funny and vibrant.
She is doing great with the school work and loves the routine of getting ready for school and choosing her lunch for the next day. The first day at school around here also means that Lucy celebrates her birthday the first day of school every year. This year she chose to wear her birthday t-shirt, she took rice crispy treats for her class mates and was honored with a birthday crown from her teacher, Miss Susan. Not a bad way to start the school year!
Next week, her first field trip so stay tuned...

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