Saturday, September 12, 2009

Candy Girls

Lucy's 4th birthday celebration was kicked off on Thursday with Pops and Grandma's arrival. What ensued was two days of gift opening, moonbouncing, candy-themed everything, friends, more gifts, treats and attention. She was so excited about this birthday. Turning 4 is a big deal to her and she officially feels a bit older this year. She thinks she is taller, bigger and smarter. She is taking her birthday as a sign to be even more independent and surprised me several times with her new 4-year old attitude. A couple cases to point out: First, she was thankful, without prompting. At least twice I heard her saying thank you to someone for bringing her gifts and she repeatedly told me that she "was a lucky girl". Second case, after the great pinata explosion, her goody bag was full to the brim. On three different occasions I witnessed her overhearing a friend saying that they wished that they had nabbed a yo-yo, a pack of smarties or some other treat. Without hesitation or prompting, Lucy simply reached into her goody bag, grabbed the wanted goody and treated her friends not only to a sweet, but also a dose of kindness and good-hostessing. Not too bad for 4!
The party was a fast-paced two hours. I think the count was 27 kids, 2 birthday girls, a gazillion treats, 2 cupcake pinatas, a handful of giant lollipops, and one moonbounce, which was suppose to accomodate up to 6 kids at a time. See the video, we stretched that 6 kid limit a bit, just a bit. I thought we were going to be buying a busted up moonbounce, but little bodies prevailed and the bouncy house was no worse off.
Lucy and her girlfriends squealed and ran around trying to get away from the "monsters" graciously portrayed by boy friends Parrish and Ronin, with some little sisters and brothers toddling behind. The kids made "candy" necklaces with fruit loops, bounced on happy hoppers, decorated their own ice cream sundaes and generally ran wild. Lu was a bit overwhelmed when it came to singing happy birthday, for good reason. She and Kylee held court at a table (with candy crowns on) surrounded by their friends while 30-40 parents looked on with cameras and video recorders in hand. Blowing out candles seemed like a bit too much. Once the spotlight was off of her, she was back to inhaling chocolate sprinkles and running with her friends.
Once the party was wrapped up, she had a pow wow with Pops and Grandma in the guest room watching "Pete's Dragon". Then we went to dinner at Austin Grill with Pops and Grandma and finished opening gifts. While at dinner, it was apparent that Lucy was getting tired. She said, "too much birthday!" It had indeed been a birthday-filled, fun-filled, sweet-filled, too-much-birthday kind of weekend.

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