Sunday, September 13, 2009

Birthday Bookends: Campout and Fish Shopping

Lucy's two requests from us for her birthday were a campout in the backyard and a pet fish. One came a week before her birthday and the other the day after.
Last Saturday she invited Ronin over for a campout. They ate grilled hotdogs, roasted marshmallows for s'mores, chose stuffed animals to join them out in the tent, took a moonlit walk around the block, popped popcorn, listened to stories under the stars and finally turned in around 9:30pm with a few giggles and some snickering. The surprise? That they actually stayed outside sleeping in the tent until 7am. No nighttime wakenings. Ian slept between them and reported no bumps in the night. They were so happy the next morning and Lucy has already begun requesting the next campout for this fall.
The end to her birthday was a trip we took to the pet store today. She has been wanting a pet fish like "Charlie, Aunt Lauren's fish". It was quite an outting. Both girls loved seeing the mice and the birds, the cats and the ferrets and choosing everything we needed for the new Betta that Lucy had chosen. He is a King Betta, dark blue in color and his name is "Charlie" (yes, the same name as Lauren's fish). She chose red rocks and a little plant for his bowl. She has loved watching him swim and is more than eager to feed him.
Great birthday week and weekend and we look forward to a great year of Lucy being the best 4 she can be!

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