Tuesday, July 21, 2009

yabba dabba?

Yesterday Harper tried for ten minutes to tell me something. It sounded like this "Ganja dippa. Trowe inda gabbage". She said this to me over and over and over again. And kept trying to walk away after each time but would stop and turn around to say it again. I was not giving her the right response. So she would try again. "Ganja dippa. Trowe inda gabbage." Then it occurred to me that she was saying diaper (dippa). From that I was able to decipher "Change my diaper." So we had that covered and she kept saying "Yeah. Trowe inda gabage." Then it all came to me. "Change my diaper and I'll throw it in the garbage." Once I confirmed with her she was off to grab a diaper for me, have herself changed and then proudly took it to the garbage all by herself. She had communicated, been understood, and her wishes were granted. It was quite an accomplishment and she repeated the same phrase a couple hours later. Just once this time.

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