Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chicken pox?

The mosquitos are so bad in our new yard that the girls both look like they have the chicken pox. Perhaps it is because Lucy likes to lay down in the spider grass or because Harper is always covered in something sweet.
Lucy gets the most on her legs. Harper seems to attract them right between the eyes. We now have anti-itch cream rub down sessions several times a day and the girls are not allowed outside without bug spray. I don't know if it helps all that much, the skeeters seem to find the tiniest spot that isn't covered in bug spray and eat the heck out of them. I could keep them inside more, but they are just so thrilled to have a yard of their own and space to run around and, apparently, plants to lay in, that I just can't make them stay inside. It is a great motivator for getting the yard into shape.

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