Monday, April 20, 2009


Easter had as much build up in our house as any other holiday. Egg shaped placemats were made, an egg tree was decorated, cards and pictures were colored as were eggs and cookies. Lucy asked every 10 minutes for 5 days leading up to the big day "how many days until the Easter bunny came?" The excitement was only heightened by the fact that we got 3 enormous packages in the mail from all the grandparents full of candy, clothes, and other treats. Harper just liked the boxes and the tags on the clothes. Lucy squealed over every pez, m&m, bathing suit (there were 6!) and "cute" clothing item that came out of the box.
So when Easter eve arrived Lucy was beyond excited. She could not decide what treat to leave the Easter bunny. I thought a carrot was the best option, she thought that a carrot was too ordinary and really wanted to leave a banana "it's healthy", she said. She put the baskets out for the hoppy one to find and went right to sleep that night.
Harper was up with the roosters in the morning so was able to have her bottle and wake up before the excitement took over. Lucy wandered into our room a little later and then all happiness ensued on our bed. Both girls were giggles and squeals until the time came to go basket hunting. There were three baskets hidden in our house, along with filled eggs for Lucy to find. Reggie and Lucy quickly located Harper's basket and she pilfered it and then got to work looking for Lucy's (her big sister always has more exciting stuff). That happened moments later and Lucy was thrilled. The eggs were filled with her favorite- little animals and chocolate balls and the basket had flip flops, a chocolate bunny, laffy taffy, pjs, cookie cutters, "tell me a story" cards and firefly toothbrushes that light up when you brush. Harper's basket had matching pjs, a duck book, dried fruit bits and sunglasses.
Afterwards we got ready for church where Harper proceeded to act like a real 1 year old. She took off her sweet little jelly sandals and launched one at Lucy and the other down the aisle. She flirted with men across the aisle and yelled out at the injustice of having to stay in one place. She yelled, "no, no, no!" during the sermon and tried to say "Allelujah" at least once. I let her run free in the back for a while where she promptly found the stairs and went up and down them a dozen times, screaming to go back up them each and every time. She was actually pretty funny the whole time, just rambunctious.
Lucy was wiggly and ready to go have lunch, her only objective during any activity that starts at 11am.
We had a nice dinner just the four of us where Harper out ate even the pregnant lady at the table.
We finished the night with the girls in matching pjs and Lucy insisting that she get a photo with Harper and Ian. Candy filled dreams and popsicle pjs, a nice ending to a great Easter day.

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