Saturday, March 14, 2009

Little Elephant

Harper has discovered the joys of spitting. Well, she has known this particular joy for months now, but now she understands the ability to get a reaction out of any one of us. If she hears anything that sounds like spitting, razzing, elephant noises, etc, she promptly responds with her own version. It will leave you soaking wet, in Harper slobber, and is not always such a great trick (when her mouth is full of cheese, for instance). The reactions go something like this: Lucy responds with her own elephant and razzing noises; Ian usually encourages it by making noises of his own and laughing; and I usually remind everybody that spitting is not a very nice trait, all the while trying not to smile at the fun she is having. I wake to elephant noises, I clean up after them at mealtimes and I am covered in their aftermath several times a day. An elephant is a tough pet to keep.
On the other hand, Harper has not let go of her inner-monkey either. This usually comes in the form of very loud screaming and jumping around. She loves to join in on loud noises. When we are at the gym for Lucy, she loves to squawk when the kids get loud. When we are at the indoor pool, she outdoes the children splashing around, even if they are years older than she is. At home, Lucy is no contest for how loud a Jefferies girl can be. Being loud is pure fun for her. I'm sure our neighbors do not feel the same way.

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