Sunday, March 1, 2009

Caught with her pants down

It has been noted that Harper can be a bit of a rascal when it is her naptime. She is just too busy to settle down but too tired to stay up so she ends up just getting in trouble. This includes pulling anything she can into her bed, bouncing up and down, talking, trying to bend the mini-blinds back that are on the window next to her bed and whatever other mischief she can manage to get into. See for yourself. This is the first time this happened, but not the last. Harper is small anyways and with all the crawling, climbing and cruising she does she is not getting any thicker, just widdling away so she has a hard time keeping her pants on. Unfortunately, she thinks that this just adds to the fun. She wears them on her head, she plays peek-a-boo with them (by herself) and she tosses them around like a ragdoll. Eventually she decides to go to sleep, with or without pants. It's tough being 9 months old. You have to be really inventive with the ways you get into trouble.

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