Thursday, December 18, 2008

Want fries with that secret language?

For about a year now Lucy and I have been developing our own little language. It started with her love of olives. She was eating olives one day and we had a discussion that saying "Olive Juice" sounds a lot like "I love you". She thought that was funny and we began and endless stream of food related sayings that we exchange with each other pretty much daily. Her favorite is "Pickle You" which now means I love you around our house. "Red pepper you" and "Ketchup you" also resurface from time to time.
Sometimes the language goes in a direction that even I don't quite understand (go figure). Lately it is Lucy's saying of "Happy Annigrocery!" It means I love you, good night and everything in between. I have no idea where it comes from but I can always tell the meaning and she loves when I shout it back to her, or, even better, think to say it on my own.
Be clear, it is not "happy anniversary". That leaves a bad taste in her mouth and she will ridicule you for even attempting to say it or imply that she is saying it. I'll stick with the condiment aisle of our new language. Ketchup, pickles and olives are tasty morsels of love around here.

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