Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good-bye Nuk!

Good-bye Nuk! That was the sentiment that was yelled repeatedly to Lucy's pacifier last night prior to her going to bed. She had decided that she could leave her pacifier in her playhouse's mailbox for Santa Clause to pick up and take to "baby reindeer". We wrote a note, put nuk in the mailbox and then had a very rocky evening, complete with waking about every 5 or ten minutes for about 2 hours straight with every complaint under the sun- her blankets wouldn't stay on, she was ready to get up (at midnight), she needed a drink, she needed momma, she needed Daddy, she needed Reggie. Finally, we had enough and convinced her that she too needed some sleep. When she woke this morning, she found a half-eaten carrot that Santa had neglected to finish, a few prizes and no nuk. Naptime was marginally better and so far, she is off to bed without a complaint. She hasn't asked about her pacifier but she is very aware of it not being around and very aware that this, along with going potty in the toilet, means that she is a very big girl. We are very proud of how brave she is being and know that after the initial adjustment, she (and we!) will sleep better and will no longer need that nasty ol' thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember ballons being used at my house while I was away. Worked well!!